Sunday Times Interviews Niamh Moran About Legal Fees In Property Sales And Purchases
Our senior partner and head of the conveyancing section in Carmody Moran Solicitors, Niamh Moran, recently featured in an interview in the Sunday Times. Niamh is no stranger to the Sunday Times having previously been interviewed for opinions in relation to various legal matters and in particular, conveyancing of property, whether it be house sales or house purchases. In this instance, she was being interviewed in respect of the question of legal fees in property sales and purchases. The full article can be accessed here:
In essence, Niamh Moran was making the point that it is very important for any person who is involved in either a house purchase or a house sale, to ensure that they know what their legal fees are going to be before retaining a solicitor and, and the importance of knowing what they are getting for their money. In addition, however, Niamh also spoke in relation to the value for money aspect of any house purchase or a house sale.
The perils of the low-cost conveyancer have been referred to previously by us and there is always an element of ‘you get what you pay for’ in terms of any product or service that you buy. At Carmody Moran Solicitors, we have tried to make our fees for property purchases and property sales as competitive as possible but, at such a level that we can provide a proper service to our clients.
Unfortunately, there have been a number of low-cost solicitors’ practices who have fallen foul of below cost fees and whose practices have been closed by the Law Society of Ireland, sometimes with disastrous consequences for their clients. Everyone is familiar with the case of solicitors during the Celtic Tiger, who in the course of charging below cost fees to their clients, ended up having to rob money from their clients in order to make a living and survive. Unfortunately, this is still happening. We have been asked many times by clients of other firms who have been closed down to sort out the mess that has been left behind, or in some instances, to try and recoup the money stolen from them.
In addition, there is a lot of work that goes on after a house has been sold or has been purchased, in particular. The proper registration of the title of the property in the name of the purchaser, the registration of the mortgage against the property, ensuring that any mortgage is paid off and, sending title deeds back to the lender are time consuming and sometimes laborious tasks which, when somebody is not able to give time to them, can slip through the cracks and end up not getting done. Unfortunately, it is sometimes years, if not decades later, that these problems become apparent, usually when the owner tries to sell their property on.
If you have any queries in relation to the conveyancing process or would like a quote for fees in respect of either a property purchase or a property sale, whether it be commercial or residential, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01 8272888 or fill out the quick enquiry form here

Anthony Carmody is a qualified solicitor with over 20 years’ experience in leading Dublin law firms. Anthony has specialised in the area of defending personal injury claims representing Insurance companies and Local Authorities, as well as undertaking claimant cases.